Ethical Hacking as a career – What do you want to be when you grow up?

Ethical Hacking as a career – What do you want to be when you grow up terry cutler

Global Montreal TV News October 24, 2013

We’ve all heard this question. And, in all likelihood, chances are that you probably dabbled with the idea of becoming an astronaut or a superhero as a kid. In high school, you may have been dead-set on becoming president. Of course, by the time college graduation rolls around, many of us have moved on to more realistic career goals.

But with our hyper-connected world moving a mile a minute these days, the tried-and-true professions that everyone pursues today could quickly become a thing of the past.

So what does the future hold? Ever heard of ethical hacking? Yeah, neither had we. We spoke to Thomas Frey, author of “Communicating With the Future,” to suss out the six quickly growing power professions of the future that you should know about. Now tell us again: What do you want to be when you grow up?


2. Ethical Hacker

How can a hacker be ethical? It turns out that many companies hire these experts to purposefully hack systems in order to pinpoint problems in security measures before their less-ethical counterparts get the chance. You can even become a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), a professional who’s tasked with network policy creation, intrusion detection and virus creation.

Terry Cutler is a co-founder of Digital Locksmiths, Inc.( — an IT security and data defense firm based in Montreal — and serves as the company’s Chief Technology Officer. Terry’s career in the IT security space prior to his joining Digital Locksmiths has been long and distinguished. He was most recently a Premium Support Engineer for Novell in Canada where he analyzed network vulnerabilities and transitioned security technologies into production, and before that he held digital security leadership roles with a number of large corporations. Through the International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants (EC-Council), Terry earned the rank Certified Ethical Hacker in recognition of his having mastered a range of industry best practices to thwart hackers by knowing how they think and operate from the inside out. In addition to being a licensed private investigator in Canada, Terry is an active member of both the High Technology Crime Investigation Association and the Center for Internet Security. An internationally known author, trainer, speaker, and security consultant, Terry has appeared in numerous television and radio programs and is very active on the conference circuit. More at

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Terry Cutler

I’m Terry Cutler, the creator of Internet Safety University, an educational system helping to defend corporations and individuals against growing cyber threats. I’m a federal government-cleared cybersecurity expert (a Certified Ethical Hacker), and the founder of Cyology Labs, a first-line security defence firm headquartered in Montréal, Canada. In 2020, I wrote a bestselling book about the secrets of internet safety from the viewpoint of an ethical hacker. I’m a frequent contributor to National & Global media coverage about cyber-crime, spying, security failures, internet scams, and social network dangers families and individuals face daily.