What about this one? The good ole lottery scam. This one never gets old. The way this scam works is, it comes as an email message informing you that you won a huge amount of money and all you need to do to collect your fortune is to pay some small fees.
Lucky you! And It doesn’t even matter that you don’t recall ever purchasing lottery tickets, or filling out a survey while you were drunk in the Caribbeans. Just the thought of quitting our jobs and going to live on a beach somewhere while living off the fortunes for the rest of our lives would make anyone interested.
I mean the idea alone can make our imagination fall prey to images of an ocean front dreamhouse, and the sound of the waves crashing on the beach , endless summer vacations or expensive items that a regular person can only dream of.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, the dream ends as soon as you realize you’ve been another sucker in a scam. But you gotta admit, it’s a really good dream.