The lure of a free trial can leave you bound by unexpected charges and subscriptions. Social media ads promoting weight-loss pills, anti-wrinkle serums, or muscle-enhancing supplements often use high-pressure sales tactics, countdown timers, and celebrity endorsements to entice you to sign up for a trial offer. However, by accepting these offers, you could be charged for the total cost of the product and be automatically subscribed.
By accepting specific online “trial offers,” you could end up with the following:
- Charges for the full cost of that trial product.
- An unwanted subscription for expensive, monthly products.
- Charges for products you’re certain you didn’t order at all!
Here’s how to avoid the free-trial trap
- Take 5: Wait, even just five minutes, before entering credit card information. Resist high-pressure sales tactics like pop-up surveys, queues, or countdown timers.
- Be skeptical: Question statements and slogans that seem too good to be true. Don’t trust celebrity endorsements without further research.
- Find and read the terms and conditions: Look for hard-to-spot, small-font web links. Don’t sign up if you can’t find or understand the terms.
- Beware of upsell products: “Proceed to checkout” or “complete my order” may add more products. Look for the fine print to avoid further charges.
- Research: Search for the company or product with words like “complaint” and “scam.” Do comparison shopping if the product is available elsewhere.
- Use ad blockers: Block social media ads, pop-up surveys, and sponsored “news” articles.
If you sign up for a free trial, protect yourself
- Keep all receipts, emails and text messages.
- Check your credit card statements regularly for unauthorized charges.
- You can contact your financial institution to request a stop payment because of suspected fraud.
- Remember that there is no shame in being the victim of a scam. Report suspected fraud and help the authorities and others like you.
Join the fight against cyber fraud! Download FRAUDSTER, the mobile app that educates and informs you on consumer concerns. Stay vigilant and protect yourself from online scams. Get the app today on Apple and Android.
For more information, visit www.FraudsterApp.com. Already have the app? Access the training feature by clicking on the icon located on the home screen. Don’t wait; take control of your online safety now!