You’ve heard it before. An opening in your network can damage your company’s reputation and threaten its future. I know CEOs like you read articles like this almost every day, and it can get tiresome. I understand. But do you ever find yourself, once in a while, thinking about it? Hopefully, my 10 key questions you could ask your chief information security officer (CISO) in this article will make you think about it.
10 Key Questions From CEOs
For every CEO who has ever been through a hack or a CEO who knows someone who has been hacked (you’re not alone), here are my 10 key questions to ask your CISO.
- How does our protection fit with our business goals? For example, are we focusing on what helps the whole organization, not just what IT needs?
- Are we following the rules? Are we confident we comply with many data and privacy regulations worldwide? Compared to being behind, staying on top of this avoids fines and keeps our reputation intact.
- What are our most significant risks, and how are we handling them? Let’s identify the top threats and ensure we have reliable cybersecurity plans to deal with them.
- How do we compare to others in our field? Are our security efforts keeping pace with, or going beyond, what our peers and competitors are doing? You’re probably way ahead of them, but what can you learn?
- What’s our plan if there’s a major breach? Right! That’s always a tricky question. Do we have a clear, ready-to-use plan to curb damage and recover fast if the worst happens?
- How do we ensure employees follow our security policies? People are often the weakest link. How do we build a culture where everyone understands and prioritizes security? I had a case once when a hotel employee let me into its unlocked network room. I know!
- Are our systems up to date, and are we investing wisely? The industry may keep changing. Nevertheless, is our protection strong and modern, and are we investing in the right tools and plans?
- How are we preparing for new threats? Cyber threats evolve quickly, especially with the rise of technologies like AI. How do we stay ahead of the curve? Thinking about it…. How do we stay ahead of the drive after that?
- Can we detect and respond quickly to incidents? This is an interesting question that may never go away. Do we have the speed and readiness to minimize the impact if something happens?
- What challenges are on the horizon? What are the biggest hurdles we see over the next few years, and how are we planning to tackle them?
These 10 key questions reflect the CEO’s role in cyber protection.
Link arms with us? We protect you. That’s it. Nothing else. No distractions. Nothing to steal our focus. We will do our best to protect you. Each day, we will come in and keep you safe. To let you know, I’ve got a free consultation for you a